The ‘Make It More’ ChatGPT Trend—And How to Play Along at Home


Remember when the wildest thing in the crypto community was a cute dog and a poorly drawn frog? Fast forward to today, and AI has taken the baton to sprint into the absurd. Welcome to the “Make It More” era, where your wildest imaginations are more than met—they're ridiculously exceeded.

Here's how it works: AI, our new creative buddy, can churn out art that makes Dali look like a realist. So put it to work, asking ChatGPT to amp up an initial, often innocuous image, and it does so with gusto. Then ask again. And again. You want a happy dog? Push it forward until you get an ecstatic cosmic canine. A spicy bowl of ramen? How about one that’s so hot that it's setting the universe ablaze?

This is more than pushing pixels—it's a glimpse into how AI works to satisfy our whims. People are turning ChatGPT into their overly enthusiastic friend who brings a live elephant when you ask for help taking your party to the next level.

Decrypt didn’t want to be left behind, so we donned our lab coats and did our own research. We started with a bullish Bitcoin. Sounds tame? Not for long.

Images created by Decrypt using Dall-E 3

We asked for more “bullishness,” and boy, did AI deliver. It made a bull more bullish every time—until things got weird even for an AI.

“Creating an image that is even more bullish might be challenging, as the last rendition already pushed the boundaries of bullish symbolism with a colossal, super-muscular bull,” it protested. But still, it gave us a pretty bullish Bitcoin. Going beyond was challenging, it said.

But challenge is AI's middle name. We kept asking for more.

The response? The bullishest bull ever, one that would make Wall Street tremble. It was “an unimaginable, omnipresent depiction of bullishness for Bitcoin, visualized as a cosmic, divine bull that transcends all known dimensions and realities.” Talk about bull market optimism!

Image created by Decrypt using Dall-E 3
Image created by Decrypt using Dall-E 3

The “Make It More” phenomenon is particularly interesting because it appears to be among the first meme trends native to the AI community and culture. It's a unique, self-sustaining loop where the peculiarities and capabilities of AI art generation tools are both the medium and the message.

So, crypto degens have their Pepes, GenZers have their weird TikTok dances, and AI people have their ridiculous “Make It More” creations.

We've transcended simply using technology to create memes to harnessing a new technology to shape a new community—one with its own in-jokes, norms, and now, memes. It's the digital equivalent of a new language forming, with AI at the lexicon's core.

In the end for us humans sometimes, “more” is just… more. But when you deal with an AI, the word is a recipe for some truly unforgettable creations.

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